Saint Pierre and Miquelon — statistics

We present to you the most complete, extensive, and comprehensive statistical information on Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Explore the most comprehensive statistical analysis of Saint Pierre and Miquelon for the year 2024, extending to projections up to 2100. Our platform provides in-depth data across various metrics, catering to diverse informational needs.

  • Demographic Breakdown: Detailed insights into population size, gender distribution, age groups, including specific data on children, teenagers, and senior demographics.
  • Economic Indicators: Explore GDP, GDP per capita, and the national currency's international ISO code. This data is crucial for understanding the economic status and development of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.
  • Geographical Details: Information on the country's total area, population density, major urban centers, and regional population distribution, offering a geographical perspective.
  • Future Trends: Population forecasts up to 2100, providing valuable insights for long-term strategic planning and analysis.
  • Accessibility and Usability: Our user-friendly interface and interactive tools make navigating through complex data simple and engaging.
  • Global Context: Understand how Saint Pierre and Miquelon fits into the global scenario with comparative statistics and global rankings.
  • Value for Various Users: Whether you're a student, researcher, policy maker, or business professional, our comprehensive data supports a wide range of applications, from academic research to market analysis.

Join us at to delve into the dynamic world of Saint Pierre and Miquelon's statistics. Our platform is your gateway to understanding the intricate details and broader patterns shaping Saint Pierre and Miquelon today and into the future.

FAQ about Saint Pierre and Miquelon

What area of the Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Area Saint Pierre and Miquelon is 242 km2

What is the population of the Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

As of today, in the Saint Pierre and Miquelon reside 7012 person

What is the GDP in the Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

As of today, GDP Saint Pierre and Miquelon is 0 billion $

What is the national currency code of Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

International ISO code for the national currency of Saint Pierre and Miquelon - eur

How many men in the Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon lives {country_current_data_population_male__data} men

How many women in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon lives {country_current_data_population_female__data} women

What is the average age of a resident of Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Average age of a resident Saint Pierre and Miquelon as of today - {country_current_data_median_age__data} years old

How many babies are there in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon {country_current_data_population_by_age_0-4_data} babies. Of which the girls - {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_0-4_data}, the boys - {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_0-4_data}. By infants we mean young children under 4 years of age

How many young children in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

As of today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon {country_current_data_population_by_age_5-9_data} young children. Of these, the boys are - {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_5-9_data} and girls {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_5-9_data}. These are children from 5 to 9 years old.

How many children are there in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon live {country_current_data_population_by_age_10-14_data} children. Of these, the boys are - {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_10-14_data} and girls - {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_10-14_data}. These are children from 10 to 14 years old

How many teenagers there are in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon live {country_current_data_population_by_age_15-19_data} teenagers. These are people from 14 to 19 years old. Of these, the girls are - {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_15-19_data} , young men - {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_15-19_data}.

How many long-livers there are in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Today in Saint Pierre and Miquelon {country_current_data_population_by_age_100+_data} of long-livers. These are people who are over 100 years old. Of these men {country_current_data_population_by_age_male_100+_data} and women {country_current_data_population_by_age_female_100+_data}

What are the biggest cities in Saint Pierre and Miquelon ?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top 100 largest cities in Saint Pierre and Miquelon. It is always available at the link. The list is presented in a table sorted from largest to smallest.

What are the largest regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon?

Our website provides an up-to-date list of the top regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon. It is where the largest number of people in the country live. It is always available by link. The list is presented in a table sorted from the largest to the smallest.

Median age
Countries area in km2
Density per km2
GDP (millions $)
GDP per capita ($)
Population by age
0-14 years old 0
15-29 years old 0
30-44 years old 0
45-59 years old 0
60-74 years old 0
75-89 years old 0
90+ years old 0
Male by age
0-14 years old 0
15-29 years old 0
30-44 years old 0
45-59 years old 0
60-74 years old 0
75-89 years old 0
90+ years old 0
Female by age
0-14 years old 0
15-29 years old 0
30-44 years old 0
45-59 years old 0
60-74 years old 0
75-89 years old 0
90+ years old 0

Top 7 locations in Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Saint-Pierre 6,200
Miquelon 1,141

List of the largest cities in Saint Pierre and Miquelon (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest cities in Saint Pierre and Miquelon?" you've come to the right place!

Rating Saint Pierre and Miquelon cities by population

Top 7 largest regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Commune de Saint-Pierre 5,494
Miquelon-Langlade 605

List of the largest regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon (with the largest population). If you are interested in the answer to the question "What are the largest regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon?" you've come to the right place!

Rating of regions in Saint Pierre and Miquelon by population

EUR exchange rate

Exchange rates represented by the ExchangesBoard

The main milestones of Saint Pierre and Miquelon population

1961 5,000
1970 5,500
1975 6,000

Saint Pierre and Miquelon population is constantly growing, and we can estimate the main milestones of Saint Pierre and Miquelon population

Sources of our data about Saint Pierre and Miquelon

The main sources of data on the population, incidence of coronavirus and other in Saint Pierre and Miquelon:

  • United Nations (UN) Saint Pierre and Miquelon statistic;
  • World Bank Saint Pierre and Miquelon statistic
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Saint Pierre and Miquelon statistic;

We constantly update information about Saint Pierre and Miquelon to provide you with only reliable and verified data!

Statistics details

Saint Pierre and Miquelon population, demographics, and projections to 2100

This graph provides information about the dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of Saint Pierre and Miquelon population: the Total number of inhabitants, the number of men, the number of women, and the average age of Saint Pierre and Miquelon inhabitants.

In the table, we present similar data, taking into account the projections until 2100.

Year Population Male Female Median age
1950 4,567
1951 4,609
1952 4,648
1953 4,678
1954 4,721
1955 4,749
1956 4,801
1957 4,841
1958 4,886
1959 4,929
1960 4,975
1961 5,014
1962 5,041
1963 5,081
1964 5,120
1965 5,162
1966 5,229
1967 5,297
1968 5,380
1969 5,464
1970 5,551
1971 5,642
1972 5,753
1973 5,845
1974 5,932
1975 6,005
1976 6,051
1977 6,103
1978 6,122
1979 6,138
1980 6,129
1981 6,109
1982 6,067
1983 6,030
1984 6,003
1985 6,017
1986 6,068
1987 6,148
1988 6,236
1989 6,327
1990 6,385
1991 6,425
1992 6,435
1993 6,423
1994 6,416
1995 6,389
1996 6,375
1997 6,366
1998 6,350
1999 6,324
2000 6,298
2001 6,255
2002 6,207
2003 6,150
2004 6,118
2005 6,113
2006 6,160
2007 6,220
2008 6,286
2009 6,343
2010 6,361
2011 6,323
2012 6,251
2013 6,168
2014 6,073
2015 5,992
2016 5,933
2017 5,885
2018 5,845
2019 5,821
2020 5,795
2021 5,771
2022 5,757
2023 5,751
2024 5,732
2025 5,728
2026 5,714
2027 5,703
2028 5,695
2029 5,687
2030 5,675
2031 5,666
2032 5,656
2033 5,652
2034 5,635
2035 5,630
2036 5,619
2037 5,608
2038 5,596
2039 5,582
2040 5,562
2041 5,532
2042 5,511
2043 5,484
2044 5,453
2045 5,426
2046 5,392
2047 5,358
2048 5,322
2049 5,288
2050 5,257
2051 5,213
2052 5,178
2053 5,136
2054 5,096
2055 5,054
2056 5,013
2057 4,980
2058 4,940
2059 4,903
2060 4,871
2061 4,837
2062 4,803
2063 4,766
2064 4,736
2065 4,710
2066 4,683
2067 4,657
2068 4,627
2069 4,605
2070 4,582
2071 4,559
2072 4,531
2073 4,502
2074 4,478
2075 4,463
2076 4,445
2077 4,418
2078 4,402
2079 4,379
2080 4,362
2081 4,339
2082 4,321
2083 4,304
2084 4,284
2085 4,265
2086 4,250
2087 4,230
2088 4,211
2089 4,197
2090 4,175
2091 4,160
2092 4,138
2093 4,124
2094 4,100
2095 4,082
2096 4,063
2097 4,041
2098 4,016
2099 4,000
2100 3,984
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